Non Credit Policy Guide

The Non Credit Policy Guide includes the most current College policies and procedures.


Getting a quality education isn't a matter of chance . . .it's a matter of choice. Attending Delaware Tech opens your world to choices, possibilities and opportunities. Delaware Technical Community College is your statewide institution of higher education. The College is fully committed to serving every part of the state through its four conveniently located campuses: Dover, Georgetown, Stanton and Wilmington. Delaware Tech educates more than 40,000 students each year, 92% of whom are Delawareans. More than 25% of Delaware residents have taken courses on one of Delaware Tech's four campuses. Delaware Tech offers various distance education opportunities, including online, hybrid, video conferencing, and web conferencing courses.

Mission Statement

The Workforce Development and Community Education Division of the College provides lifelong learning opportunities for personal and professional growth for a diverse population through quality education and training programs. In addition, the Division supports economic development efforts by designing and delivering training programs that address the specific needs of local businesses and industries.

College Terms You Should Know

Continuing Education Units (CEU) – Provided upon completion of a non-credit professional development or other career program. Number of units provided are according to the number of training hours per class and are received upon meeting the minimum completion requirements for the class.

Non-Credit – Classes that do not require an individual to be admitted into the College and provide personal or professional enrichment.

Open Enrollment – Classes that do not require a skills assessment or affiliation to enroll and are open to an individual seeking personal or professional development. However, some classes may have a pre-requisite requirement .

Financial Holds – an alert indicating a previous balance exists on a student account which must be reconciled prior to enrolling in any class at Delaware Technical Community College.

Clinical – some programs that offer continuing education units and/or job readiness skills require participation in a clinical or internship rotation to complete the program.

Certificate of Completion – participants receive a certificate acknowledging the # of continuing education units received for participation in a non-credit class.

Pre-requisites – some classes require a student to take an introductory level class.

Semester – This terminology represents the time frame in which Delaware Tech organizes the academic year. Non-Credit classes are offered on a rolling enrollment basis during the semester and may start at any point during a given semester. Current semesters are Fall, Spring, Maymester and Summer.

Non-credit Programming And Continuing Education Units

The CEU is a nationally accepted standard for non-credit continuing education courses. A certificate is awarded upon successful completion of the number of hours stated on a non-credit syllabus and may be used as a reference for job promotion or hiring. Designated non-credit professional development courses are CEU-certified.

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